Sunday, 17 January 2010

Cut Paper and Some Junk Shop Finds

Inspired by my previous post on Brian Wildsmith, I have made a start on a collage.

It's not finished and it's not that refined, I did it whilst Iris was doing some painting beside me so it was quite hard to concentrate fully. Anyway the colours are rather joyful and delicious. Even while severely muted by Blogger (just why does that happen?)

I also had a quick trip to the junk shop at the end of the week and found a few nice things. I haven't been buying much lately, a combination of it being January = having no money, a lack of car boot sales and the weather has meant that there hasn't really been much of a market on Saturdays. I'm bound to make up for it later in the year. Even though I have vowed to curb my magpie ways a tad, as I've been having a massive clear-out this week which has been very cathartic and satisfying.

During my clear-out, I re-found this lovely little enamel ladybird pin which I've had since I was 11 or thereabouts.

Junk shop necklace.

Nautical wrapping paper.

A fine hand-made pin cushion in teeny tiny patchwork.

Tiny turtle buttons. Only two though.

Oh and a super-big THANKS to everyone who left a comment on my interview over at Tea For Joy.

And yes, that was my big reveal, some of my plates are going to be stocked at the Paul Smith flagship store on Floral Street, Covent Garden. I'll post some pictures when I can!


Jen Walshaw said...

Well done on Paul Smith - I did leave a post, but it has disapeared into the blogging eather!!

I love the pincushion, those buttons would make cute earings.

HannahB said...

hurrah! I know i already said it but i'l say it again, so excited for you about paul smith! jeepers!

Lovwly junk finds too. I posted my weekend finds today! I was quite pleased, not blown away. I'll def be visiting again in finer weather!

read me... said...

Congratulations Nath, that's such fabulous news. Am thrilled for you!!!

Laura said...

WOW! Well done you, but am not surprised. what fantastic news. Love the bright collage and the ladybird pin. Heading off now to read the interview. L x

Kylie said...

I love it! Fabulous work - so joyful and fun :) Love your finds too. K

Unknown said...

Congratulations, you! Excellent finds too, I'm loving the ladybird pin and those little turtles; thinking they'd make great hairclips!

Alex said...

Ooh congratulations! I thought your big stockist would be Liberty... but Paul Smith is even better!

Clare said...

Congratulations on Paul Smith, that is AMAZING!
I love the tiny patchwork pin cushion, anything miniature makes me happy!

Flora said...

Sweet findings! I have been looking for some good turtle inspiration for ages to base a design on - these are just the ticket!

When do the plates go in the shop - do you know yet? it's all too exciting!

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

nice paper cutting!

and what a great place you have here. as you might have noticed (in case you get comments emailed) i have completely stalked your blog this last hour. don't worry, i mean it only well :)

Emma Busk said...

Lovely collages!! Great job!

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

I love the wrapping paper and the black necklace. I would totally take it apart and make a different one with the beads!

Fine Little Day said...

Making good collage are not easy, you have a great sense in making them Nath, I like, really nice!

Top Bird @ Wee Birdy said...

Wow, congratulations on Paul Smith, I'll have to keep a look out for them. I love the retro vibe of your collage - very clever! xx

mama bear said...

That pin cushion is gorgeous, and I love the little turtles, they would make great cufflinks.

Congratulations on Paul Smith, if I still lived in London I would definitely stop by! Look forward to seeing the pics. x

kindra said...

great news Nath!

Francesca said...

what?! that's amazing! going to read your interview now, seems i have some catching up to do!

ps love the collage. looks as good as one of your vintage finds. x

Laura said...

I'm coming over to blog camp 365 to find you. x