Having made the decision and booked my appointment, I was surprised to see bobs everywhere, okay, so not everywhere but certainly in the new Toast and Brora catalogues respectively.

And ta-dah! Here I am. Not the best photographs I'm afraid. But you get the general idea.
I'm thinking about going much much redder. What do you think?
Yay for bobs! I love having a bob, just the right length. I hate too much hair on the back of my neck. Feels like I can't breathe! I've always had bobs, never had hair longer than my shoulders. Just shows all great people have bobs. haha.
Yours looks great!
It looks wonderful! I love the bangs and length and just all of it. Much redder could be fun...why not?! I have been growing my hair out from a much shorter cut and it has been painful, so painful!
Love It! You look very stylish.
Hello, it's YOU! And how adorable do you look? Love it.
I see there's another 'littlebyrd' above. How many of us are there in blogland? xx
Very smart. It suits you.
I love bobs.
I wish I was brave enough to get all mine cut off as it's so annoying in the heat and I wake up looking like a lunatic.
You look fab! I love the look of a chic bob. Unfortunately, my curls have other ideas ;)
lovely lady ...hmmmm well really red or really dark , one or t'other would be swell.
Its great to have you back x
Looks great on you! I tried the bob, used to have one for years, but it just doesn't look good on me anymore. Red, more red, sure! It would be fun for a while anyway.
You look absolutely lovely! I adore bobs -- unfortunately it's a case of loving them on other people as shorter hair doesn't work well for me. It works for you, and how!
you look fantastic! I think dark rather than red, but you could always try something that washes out no? Then you can change your mind if you want. x x x
Bobs are seriously the cutest things ever. I'm in love with your haircut. And I adore red hair!
Nice hair! I think more red is good! But then again, hmmm, maybe darker with very red lips a la uma thurman...
from the photographs you did take i think it looks lovely! you look just like the catalogues! :D
Looks great - nice to see you! Go for it!!!
Your hair looks fab! And redder would be cool, but it is a gorgeous shade already. Is that your natural colour? In which case, you are a lucky lady.
Looks great! very chic, and redder, why not, you only live once right?
i really love this style. suits you. x
Love it Nath! You should definately go redder....just in time for all the beautiful autumn leaves to inspire you...not that I am wishing this summer away! x
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