1) It's our 4th wedding anniversary
2) Our family portrait is up on DosFamily - thank you Jenny (you can see some outtakes below). Join in, join in!
3) I have just got back from an afternoon in the sun picking plums and blackberries with my sweet funny family.
4) And, oh yeah, my plates are on Design Sponge! WHOOO HOOO! Design Sponge! I am absolutely thrilled. Grace, thank you very much.
p.s. Tuesday was pretty sweet as well, Amy at Sweet Sweet Life posted this - thank you, thank you dear Amy!
I'd better go and have a lie-down, I'm feeling as giddy as a kipper.
Hello, how nice to get a face on you :)
Congrats to D*S!
Congratulations for everything!!!
hahha the family photos makes me laugh. And I love the one you sent me. it looks like something out of the mag. vice. Thanks love!
Happy Anniversary and Congrats on having your plates on DS!!!
Oh wonderful!
Yay for you!
Whoo hoo! I'm really happy for you!
Aww, happy anniversary! And congrats on being on Design Sponge - an accomplishment indeed :)
giddy as a kipper...brill.
well done, they look so cool on DS
you must be thrilled, lovely pics en famille too
Just been checking out your plates, really fabulous, I love things that combine old with new!
What! I was totally going to write about them and she has beaten me to it! Still - think Design Sponge has a bit more clout! Congratulations - they look fantastic!
Wow! I am so happy to hear of your success at Design Sponge - those plate designs are simply lovely!
i love those days. when the simple things all collide to make one lovely day!
Oh how brilliant! What a great day! Happy belated anniversary to you and the other half... and extreme yay to your plates being on design sponge!
Congratulations!! Sounds like a lovely day x
What a lovely day. I love your family portrait! Def going to do one as well. And the photo of hubby putting the ring on your finger is gorgeous...fab dress! xx
How brilliant and lovely!
yowzers! design sponge! well done lady! love your family pic too and the outtakes. what a cool famille. x
YAY! That is sooooo great Nath!!! So much goodness :) Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations! These photos are adorable too! Oh love!
i love these photos! what a good-looking family. congatulations on d-s- and your anniversary!
This is so funny! I just wrote about Dos Family and now I see you were in their family photo series with your family... oh isn't the blog world so very small! Love your family photos, and your wedding photo looks stunning! Love to see some more of that dress...
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