Been pottering about doing domestic things, like the laundry and the breakfast dishes. Tidied one of my kitchen cupboards, you know that kind of thing.
And taping some little drawings and postcards up on the wall in front of my desk, it's meant to look scruffy with the masking tape, reminds me of college. The woman on the postcard is Anais Nin! I love Anais Nin. I found it at the weekend.
This is a quote of hers;
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country."
Blogging can be a bit like that. Throwing your ideas, dreams and makings into the ether and somehow, wonderfully getting something back.
Last few evenings, I have returned to work on my plates. Tried out some new gold decal (er, not actually pictured). I am pleased with the way they all look, but am sharply reminded that it could all go rather pear-shaped in the kiln. i hope, hope, hope they turn out okay.
I have also been looking through a couple of catalogues that plopped invitingly through my letterbox this week, Toast & Green Baby. I have turned down many corners in the Toast catalogue, but as ever, it's the shoes and boots that really capture my heart.
These boots - sheepskin lined, mmmmm. Want.
And these shoes - as pictured, in deepest violet.
And I like these.
And then, while you're about it, I might as well have these too.
Iris and I looked through the catalogue together yesterday, or rather I did beside her while she watched The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and she kept saying that the model with the dark bob was me (instead of red, I kind of went dark brown with my recent adventures in home hair colouring). Ha! I wish.
This is a good look. Yes.
Also listening to the new Phoenix record on Spotify. Yeah, check me. I'm so modern. It's quite good, not as good as Alphabetical though.
Right, I had better look busy, I'm back on duty soon! Happy weekend!
I've had a morning pottering too today. The kids break up for half-term tonight so next week's going to be hectic.
The plates are looking really nice nath.
Enjoy your weekend :)
That red dress makes my heart hurt! Want!
I love that quote and agree that blogging can be that way too :)
Pottering about, Anais Nin, making stuff and Spotify - sounds like a darn good day to me! xx
oh, those blue shoes. . .
I like that quote & your interpretation of it. Blogging is a bit of a mystery. I love to do it but some days, I don't know why !
Love love Anais Nin. I subsisted off of her diaries throughout high school.
oh dear, sorry about my blog tech problems, i'll tell my husband and i'm sure he'll figure out if something is wrong on our part with the subscriptions. . . thank you for still visiting though!
Thanks for the comment!! I am intrigued about all this cloak and daggerness!
O and I screen printed my cards, I can't afford a gocco although I'd love one :)
I am chuckling here to my self ...I love and miss the english humour have it ...yeah check me I am so "modern".......
oh nath ..hope your weekend is shaping up well :)
The brown boots and that grey scarf LOVE!
It is also rare for me to have time to myself, glad you fit some in :)
Happy Weekend !!
My favourite Anais Nin quote is: "We write to taste life twice: In the moment and in retrospection". ;]
Oh I love those outfits too!(especially the coat in the first pic) And you plates are fantastic, well done!...I want all your latest geometric designs too, are you going to be selling the prints?
Such a nice post !
Sounds a great start to the day... pottering about, finding things and images you love or like, and quotes that seem tailor-made in fit.
Ha I still don't have spotify yet. I'm so behind.. I like the brown boots you picked out the best, you should definitely get those!
Thank you! I just saw the Sarah Moon photos, they are so lovely, such dreamy colours. And what a surname! I'm totally in love with the Lula music too! I have both the glasser songs on itunes and have been playing them repeatedly. Couldn't find the other one either though which is a shame because it's so lovely
A fellow 'Toast' lover!
Your blog is great. Nice and eclectic!
oh those little blue shoes... must have them!!!
Its really awesome try more : spotify premium
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