We're so lucky to live near the beach and sometimes we get (or make) the time to bunk off early and spend a little time, walking, paddling and making tomato soup out of mud and sticks (yeah, that's obviously Iris, right?).

We also are so lucky that we have a Steiner Kindergarten relatively close by. Iris starts in January, but until then we attend a Pre-Kindy group once a week that meets in this beautiful room for songs and a little bit of craft and some snacks.

I said to Iris, 'Oh, you must come and look at this tree' and as I lifted her up to the window, she said 'the golden tree?', and i said, 'yes, the golden tree'. Not even three yet and she just gets it.

Yesterday, we visited the newly harvested pumpkin (and squash) patch and marvelled at the incredible patterns and colours. Amazing.

So, we're lucky and right now, I need to remember that a bit more. What's gladdening your heart right now?
My heart is gladdened by my Mr chopping the wood outside and the dog watching and the sunshining and my tummy full of tomato soup and my new pile of paper due to be delivered tomorrow.
My heart is also gladdened by the room and the squash and what Iris said. And of course, the golden tree.
Fabulous pictures !
oh Louise! i love your list. my tummy is full of carrot soup. bliss.
Oh nath. My tummy just lurched with yearning to be in the countryside. I love London but this time of year sort of demands the woods and the beach and the air.....
Abd I love the golden tree- so sweet!
Nath, omg a house swap is genius!
That room is really really beautiful. What makes me happy right now? "your comments on my blog! thank you sp much. I to wish I could visit your home. maybe someday.
Oh you are definatley very lucky (or hard work maybe?) to be living in the country and near the sea and with a lovely daughter! ( I love her outfits, she is now my style icon!)
Those pumkins are amazing too, they look like they have been dipped in paint! Autumn is more colourful than summer these days...
Many happy times were spent in that room, circle dancing, stoking the wood stove, entering the void, journeying with my old friends the magic mushrooms...
your squash collection is awesome - I love the bi-coloured ones, good for stuffing.
I made three types of soup yesterday, spinach and potimarron, watercress and pea and celeriac and basil. Tis the season for soup.
x x x
ha! Naomi! WE don't have that much fun in that room! ha ha!
and i wish i could take credit for the squash collection (fall 09) but they're all Monkton's bounty. lovely though, eh?
i made carrot soup today. will try celeriac and basil though, i am intrigued bu the combination. it was yum though, right?
Wow your life sounds so idyllic! I didn't even know we had pumpkins in England!
In answer to your comment, I don't regret my restraint (I just finished a job and I have no money and I really want to be self-employed.) But I saw a gorgeous throw at Origin which was so much nicer than one I had bought a week before, so I did regret that!
I passed my MA so now I can do the much anticipated swap!!!!! luky you again.
...lovely post nath...I am SO glad right now that I can get out on my bike , walk my dogs see that my three girls are all settled at school as we speak....and that I am making more connections with my work ....yay sewing mad colourful pockets on to my clothes helps too :)
those pumpkins are ART
oh and the golden tree.....what an inspiring title for a drawing...hmmmmmm
good luck to iris for steier (lucky girl)
OOh I live by the sea too and it gladdens my heart. My new hens pecking around makes me happy.
How I wish there had been a Steiner nursery & school for my two ..... ah well they are teenagers now !
We love the autumn too, too bad we don't live near a beach and in the city so not a forest nearby too...your pictures are soo lovely.
Hope you have a happy sunday!
Oh the squash are so beautiful! I love the way everything seems to plunge into one last, spectacular burst of colour before winter's grey. I am feeling glad that it won't be dark when I wake up tomorrow morning.
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