Of course, now I want a fancy-pants SLR all of my very own and I'm tracking a few on ebay right now. Like a big game hunter if you will. If you have any recommendations, then I'd love to hear. It does make me feel rather nervous to think that I'm going to be without a camera for an unknown period of time. Hey ho.
Here are few of the last minute photographs I took before Paul (literally) (okay, almost literally) wrestled the camera from me. Come back! Come back!
p.s. I have had to put comment moderation on again (sorry, I know it's a terrible bore) but I've been getting lots of spam recently. What is spam for exactly? I don't get it...
I have a Cannon 1000D. I originally wanted a Nikon, but found it too heavy for me to hold. I suffer with carpal tunnel and after my experience with hospitals will continue to do so for a while!!
I have a Canon 30D...It's a bit wasted on me as I tend to stick it on the same old settings (not auto tho!) as I'm not very techy but I love the results. But ANY camera is good as far as I am concerned.
Thanks for your lovely messages Nath, you are a sweet thing...
lovely images nath........a floating deer (sigh)
I LOVE him x
naughty eensy racoons
nick caves new book ? (what a man (sigh)
thanks for the camera tips so far, i'm after a canon, oh yes, then i can make images in RAW, i have no idea what that is, but apparently it's quite good.
Jane! so glad you liked the photographs! Iris and i are in love with the deer also. when i said it's a baby deer, a fawn to be exact, she said no, it's not, it's a Bambi. oh dear.
and yes, Nick Cave's new *audio* book no less, read by him. swoon and sigh. i must clear the next two weeks and curl up somewhere with it/him.
oh so sad for you not to have a camera, i'm sure you'll find just the right one, i use a nikon d50 and have no idea what i'm doing with it. i just pop every thing into photoshop. . .cheating. . .
that feather garland is so wonderful!
So sad my dear !
But I love your pictures so much !
Fine, I'll make sure my comments are suitably moderate for your moderation. Sorry about the camera loss, very well done for a whole year of merry blogging, and thanks for visiting my somewhat more youthful corner (6 months or so now, and giving me plenty of laughs).
hope you find a good replacement soon - those pics are indeed very crisp and lovely...
And happy blog- (birth) day for Saturday!
Awww that sucks having to give it back... liking the first pic so much though!
And agreed... what is spam for? My blog filters it so it usually doesn't make it onto the site but sometimes I have a peek in the spam box and you just think 'huh?' at most of it!!
P.S. Merry Xmas for when it comes! x
I'd be really sad too without my camera :( I think a Canon Rebel XTi, XSi, or T1i (which does HD video too!) are all great choices. If you can, get a better lens than the kit lens. It makes a huge difference! A 50mm f1.8 lens is great. There might be some on ebay. The lower the f-stop, the better, I think! You can get pictures with a really shallow depth of field that way. Good luck getting a new camera. I'll be praying to the ebay gods for you!
i wish you a new camera very soon!
don't know anything about this subject, i make every pic with the automatic button :)
I REALLY want an SLR too, but everytime I start researching I get overwhelmed by the choice and information and remember why I gave up last time. That and I really don't have the money for such extravagances. Looking forward to finding out what advice you get!
ps love the deer/bambi
Those feathers on the the string look so nice. Hope you get your camera soon Nath, as a christmas present maybe? Happy happy Christmas!
If someone took my Camera off me I'd die. I have a Canon 30D now after my 20D ended up as Roadkill (my hubby ran over my camera kit bag while we were camping in August!) And yes.. RAW is the way to go ;) LOL
I hope you manage to pick one up off ebay for a reasonable price.. good luck. Once you've used a DSLR, there's no going back.. and don't expect your bank account to be in the black ever again LOL
Gorgeous pics. I'm still getting used to my DSLR, which I've had since Feb. Only managed to take it off manual two months ago! xx
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