Thursday, 4 February 2010

bad, bad, bad

Okay, I am a naughty unreliable blogger, I failed dismally to keep my promise of almost two weeks ago (wince) to be here more often.

I'm feeling a distinct lack of inspiration, I've been ill and ergo have nothing much to say. What a come-back post this is, eh?

I have been carrying on with the 365 blog camp project, but even that has been rather trying after the halcyon days of early January when I was full of promise and enthusiasm. But! Decide for yourself! You can see my entire progress below in the nifty Mosaic-y thing.

Aaaanyway, I do fervently hope to be back to normal before long and filling this corner of the interweb with second hand artifacts, a fully updated shop (this was well under way and then I carelessly lost all my descriptions in a failure to SAVE, and now I am in a dreadful mood with myself and haven't quite got round to redoing it yet) and all-new plates etc. On the bright-side the sale will continue until I make up with myself.

Ah, yes, on the plate front - well, last weekend we went to London to visit some friends and took a detour to Paul Smith to have a look at my wares. They were there, in a glass-fronted cabinet alongside other expensive and luxurious ephemera and looked quite at home. Sadly, I was not allowed to take any photographs but it seems that PS have a department devoted to taking photographs of in-store displays so I hope to have some evidence to show you before long.

Oh yes! One very nice and cheering thing has happened, Annie from Koelle Art sent me a beautiful dish to customise for her, and also included two charmingly well-wrapped parcels for me and Iris. There were handmade tags! Mini bunting! A hand-written letter! And soft-as-clouds pom-pom necklaces for us both. Sometimes this blogging business is just so unexpectedly lovely isn't it?

Lastly, have a look at this wonderful shop found via Verhext, and I'll be back soon, promise (ahem)...


Laura said...

You're back! Yay! I know what it feels like to lose a bit of that blogging mojo, inspiration seems to be a bit thin on the ground at the moment. However, your photo's are beautiful. Love the ones of scrumptious Iris, especially those yellow boots. Can't wait to see the photo's from Paul Smith and looking forward to reading you more often. Missed you, Love Laura x

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

glad to see you're back :) and with so much to share. i would love to see your stuff displayed, so pls do remember to share any photos.

and what a lovely package you got, lucky you :)

Jen Walshaw said...

Welcome back. I just get giddy imagening something you made in a shop, an actual shop. I love the term ephemra, it takes me back to a bygone age, ss wonderful. Welcome back I love reading your stuff as you know.

Natalie Ryan said...

I look forward to seeing photos of your wares in the Paul Smith shop - a well deserved accomplishment (and a very exciting one). Congratulations!

Alex said...

We forgive you! I'm ill today and glad you put up a new post to entertain and inspire bed-ridden me!

Louise said...

I am so far away and so mostly unconnected to the internet. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt?
You have your plates in Paul Smith's?
I really missed a lot of stuff. I'll have to wait til my UK return to catch up with older posts. They take forever to load.
Blimey Limey, well done to you
Love and lentils

Artemis Russell said...

Your photos are great, Iris is the perfect model!
And, I'm off to Paul Smith, so excited to see your plates in there!

Lovely World said...

We all need a break sometimes. Love the shop in San Francisco that you linked to. Would be fun to see those treasures in person.

Annie said...

oh! I hope you are doing a little better. Love your photos. It is so funny to see things that were sitting on my desk a few weeks ago now sitting on yours! I really like the thought that objects sent can somehow authenticate something as magical as seeing lovely lives of nice people on the internet. Have I said that before? I feel as though I have. . .

jane said...

you are back! your mosaic looks wonderful! warm hugs!

Mise said...

How nice to get to see your plates in their rightful splendor. I guess they don't want you to take photos in case plate-purchasing members of the royal family happen to be in shot. But royals must eat too; it really doesn't seem fair.

Get well soon, and the photos are a lovely display, especially engaging little Iris.

melissa said...

don't feel bad for having a break. we all need breaks. congratulations on the paul smith thing- that is so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Unfair on not letting you take a pic... would have liked to see that. Am sure we'll be seeing your plates popping up more places before long though :)