Friday, 19 March 2010

New New New

As normality takes hold, I am making some progress, my to-do list even has some ticks on it! Glory!

Let's see, well, I have restocked my etsy shop with a few plates, here's a glimpse at a couple.

I have added a couple of new things to my vintage shop.

I have an(other) list on the go, of things I want to make and do this year, ideas are coming! I am even sort of up-to-date with my 365 project on Flickr. So that feels pretty good.

The next post will be my 200th and I'd like to celebrate that with bells and whistles and more importantly a giveaway. So hopefully I'll sort that out over the weekend, stand by for further announcements!

Oh and I am offering 10% off any purchase from le petit boutique via Tea for Joy - you just have to put the code, teaforjoy in at the checkout and voila!

Happy weekends!


Jen Walshaw said...

Oh joy, good to see you back and I love the plates. What is normality!!

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Great to hear that you're keeping yourself busy - love the second plate and looking forward to your giveaway - enjoy your weekend :)

kristina - no penny for them said...

wow, that apple and pear are so cool! and i love your plates...

happy weekend!

Fine Little Day said...

Oh hello Nath, love your "new" :)! Happy weekend.

alessandra said...

Ciao Nath, great plates!
happy ticking off :)))

Laura said...

Beautiful post Nath. AND you ticked things off. No! Wow i am so impressed. i'm burning my list. L x

Jane O Sullivan said...

by jove I knew that girl had plenty of vim but I must say she really is a cracker :)
I like it nath , I like it , keep it up ...all sounds super x
you 'll hear from me v.soon :)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh lovely things!!! And I'm loving the new look blog – so pretty :)