Me aged 4 months.
Groovy buggy and sunshade.
I'm just glad that this photograph exists, for oh so many reasons.
I see Iris here.
All my clothes were made by my Nan-Nan. I WISH I still had all of them (just what happens to these things? do you think it's still out there somewhere? I don't know what my mother was thinking!), but in particular this yellow deer cardigan.
This concludes the peek into my family and our past, well, until I find the 1960s of course.
wow! Iris really looks like little you! x
Oh my! how cute, and I love that beautiful deer cardigan. I wonder where it is?
I'm definitely seeing Iris there! And as for the dear little deer cardigan...
Beautiful!!!! I am really really loving all of these photos. Please find the 60's!
The yellow deer cardigan is beautiful, I had something along those lines I think it was red, white and black with poodles. I think a lot of children had a jumper with an animal on, there were some very skilled knitters back then.
that's nice to see!
I love these old pics - you might see a pic of me from the mid-70s coming up on Wee Birdy soon. xx
wow, your mum's legs!
You and Iris are so similar it's incredible.
finally, we had one of those red buggy covers for my little sister Tash. It was all rubbery inside like an old style cagool and I used to twizzle it between my fingers as we walked along - much to the annoyance of Tash as she tried to get some shut eye with a loud rasping noise next to her ear. Aah the 70's eh?
Grace - it's funny, eh? most of the time i don't think Iris does look like me, then i look at these photos and it's unmistakable!
Laura, Flora, Adele - i lament that deer cardigan.
Rebekah - i will unearth the 1960s! i will!
Mieke - thanks! glad you enjoyed!
Rebecca - oh do! i'd love to see that!
Naomi - my mum won best legs in the Southwest with those pins. they're pretty impressive.
Iris and i share a haircut still - it seems.
and re the red buggy cover, that made me laugh out loud! bring back the 1970s i say!
These area all so sweet and so nice that you have them! My mom made a lot of our clothes, matching dresses for me and my sister, so many of them too. But she gave them to a needy neighbor who had 3 or 4 little girls. My mom later regretted it, but at the time she knew what it meant to that woman. She kept one really fancy dress she made for my sister, but that was it.
wow that porsche!
These are cute photos! :)
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