The internet has been broken for the last week or so, since the wild weather of the previous post. Darlings, it has been HELL.
Actually, it was fine, I spent all of last week making things for the Winter Fayre at Monkton Wylde to raise money for our kindergarten, so in the end I had plenty of time, with no distractions, to devote to that.
I made tiny felt hearts for the visiting Snow Queen to give to the children. Which gave me ample opportunity to practice my fairy stitching. You know, really tiny perfect stitches. Hmmm. I achieved partial success.
Look at this example of real-life fairy stitching. I found some embroidered linens at a charity shop last week and was so amazed at the level of work, care and detail. Lovely, eh? Oh, I wish fervently that I could sew like this.
So, back to my rather more haphazard brand of crafting - I also made a batch of mincemeat (very delicious), some dried fruit truffles (I'll be posting the recipe later this month) and some reindeer food. I'm sure you all know what that is. No? Well, it's the traditional recipe of oats and glitter, reindeer love it.
But this new week, I have to turn my attention fully toward Iris's third birthday, which is on Saturday!
I have a birthday crown and Bambi (current obsession of hers) card to make, presents to wrap and then on Friday, the mother of all cooking and baking sessions ahead of her party on Saturday. It truly is the calm before the storm! I am steeling my nerve.
So, I hope to be back a bit more this week - but until then I am happy to tell you that there's a 15% sale in both of the shops for the next two weeks or thereabouts. Orders will be shipped promptly so there's still time for a bit of Christmas shopping!
For le petit boutique and all the vintage goodness that lies within - add this code at the checkout - LEPETITCHRISTMAS and the 15% will be automatically deducted.
And then over in the etsy branch - I will refund 15% via Paypal.
Lastly, I was really thrilled to see that I had been featured over at A Beat My Heart Skipped (thanks to The Mad House for tipping me off) and as it turns out, one of my plates was featured in their Christmas Gift Guide last month! Double the warm glow!

well I missed you dearest , glad that you were able to keep busy though , fairy stitching and what not. Have you any of the felix salten original bambi books , you would love them , me and bambi are also great friends , irises party sounds idealic and a winter fayre , snow white visiting , nath I can hardly stop myself from gatecrashng ...happy days x
Oh a birthday crown sounds so cool. I have missed you too, hope your mojo is back. I also loved the hearts too.
Wow, sounds like you've been busy while I've been lying in my sickbed. Love the photo of sweet Iris. Good luck for all the party preparation! xx
Your stitching still looks far superior to mine ;) And a birthday crown sounds so much fun... lucky Iris! :)
Mais Oui, of course you were missed...
Wondered if you had jumped off the artistic angst ledge of despair?
But here you are all stitchy and bakey and lovely
Happy Birthday to that scrumptious little dot.
What a very nice feature they did - you must be chuffed!
Happy birthday to sweet Iris too - hope the preparations go is all sounding very charming.
So so lovely ! As usual !
Happy Birthday to Iris!
And congrats on your mention- its the nicest thing in the lot! very well deserved. I love the reindeer food diea- brilliant!
A birthday crown sounds so good. Happy belated to Iris. Iris, love that name.
this is so crazy! see what i made and posted pictures of back in december!!
isn't it just insane how you think you are original and then someone somewhere else in the world is making the - almost - same thing?
well, girl, i like your taste in christmas ornaments :)
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