Thursday, 25 February 2010

Over and Out

This is just a little note to tell you that I won't be blogging for a while.

I have had some sad news that I need to deal with. I don't know when I'll be back but I hope that some of you will still be reading when I do return.

Here's to sunny days and Spring making their way to you soon.

Nath X X


Kickcan & Conkers said...

Sorry to hear that Nath, hope you and your family are well. Thinking of you - vive le printemps!

Louise said...

Dear dear Nath
Whatever it is, I send you courage and love to deal with whatever comes your way. Of course we'll still be here, you will be much missed in Blogsville. It won't be the same without you.
Love and Lentils and Lotsofwhatyouneedtogetthrough

Clare said...

Oh no I hope you will be okay. Sending you lots of strength to get through hard times and very much looking forward to your return whenever that may be.

Jen Walshaw said...

Nath I am so sorry you have had bad news, I know I am far away, but if you need anything I am here (I have had and dealt with more than my fair share). With Love Jen

jane said...

i´m sorry to hear that. hope all turns out well. sending you a big hug:)

Lynne said...

Sorry to hear about this. We'll all still be here when you get back. Hope you can figure out how to deal with whatever it is.

Artemis Russell said...

I'll be waiting for more of your colourful blog when you come back.
I hope your bad news has a happy ending...chin up and best wishes XXX

Mise said...

Take it easy, Nath, and I hope things get better. We'll be here whenever you get back.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Nath, of course we will all miss you and we will all be here when the time is right for you xx

Margaret said...

I'm sorry to hear this news:( I always enjoy reading your blog! I'll be here whenever you begin to blog again:)

Laura said...

Oh honey, feel really teary for you. I'm so sorry to read this. sending you all my love. YOur friend Laura x

Amanda Nicole said...

Oh my. Here's to having the strength and courage to get through this. We'll be here when you get back.

anabela / fieldguided said...

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about this. Thinking of you & wishing for the best. xo

Jane O Sullivan said...

nathy please always feel able to email me okay ...I would be thrilled to help in any way (promise ♡♡♡♡)

Francesca said...

nath, i'm so sorry. of course you need to deal with whatever it is in your own way and we will all be here most definitely when you return. oh my lovely, hope everything will be ok for you. love f x

Alex said...

Thoughts are with you and you family... x

Lovely World said...

Be well. XO

ninainvorm said...

So sorry to hear you've had such sad news. I was just checking all your beautiful color collections on flickr and enjoyed them so much. Take the time you need and I hope you'll be back again when time is there. Take care!

Flora said...

Oh Nath - i'm really really sorry to hear this...i hadn't been checking blogs for a few days as I've been away. Thinking of you and P and I and keeping the kettle warm for whenever you fancy a cuppa xxx

HannahB said...

oh Nath- i'm so sorry dude. I hope you are recouping and restoring and healing in the company of your friends and family. In the past, I have found comfort in the fact that whatever it is will, at some point, be past. There will be a time when it doesnt feel like this. In my experience anyway. Sending you virtual hugs.

corine @ hidden in france said...

Thinking of you

mama bear said...

Hi Nath,

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope whatever it is it passes soon. Will be thinking of you and sending you lots of love.

Anna xx

PS. Your parcel arrived today, safe and sound. Thank you – I love it. xx

cara said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're having a sad time. I'm thinking of you and sending all of my good wishes your way.

C xx

kerri said...

i hope you're ok, lovely lady xx

It's just a Monday said...

Best wishes.

Hope to see you soon.


Fine Little Day said...

Hope you're ok Nath. Best whises, E.