I thought you might like to see some of the other finds from the weekend..
Less of this...
And much more of this...
And this..
A couple more Puffins
And a useful oilskin bag
In other news, I am going to be opening a little store shortly, I spent a long time yesterday sorting and cleaning up stock and I'll also be stocking a few things I have made. It's exciting, it's new, and it's a whole lot more work before I can show you. But whoo! I hope you're going to like it!
Hey there shop lady.....you were born to do this!
,with your love and curiosity of ephemera ,its going to be a great space ...good luck
Oooh exciting stuff! Looking forward to seeing your store :)
And I used to have the book of milliganimals... will need to see if I still have that :)
How exciting! Can't wait to see your store. The 'Seasons' book looks really familiar. I seem to remember it being in my class at primary school! Lets hope for the sunshine tomorrow.
oh hooray hooray!
Hey Nath
Exciting news...I want to know more but I guess I'll have to wait for announcements. Good Luck, you've definitely got an eye for delight so it's going to be a success.
helloooo! i've sent you a flickr invite to join desk thurs. x
i just discovered your blog a love it!
ooh- a new shop! congratulations. i can't wait to check it out.
p.s. mrs pepperpot was one my all-time favourites when i was little. :)
Ah! fantastic news about your shop, can't wait to see it...how exciting!
I especially loooove your bag with knots on it, its a real gem!
Oooh Shop, that sounds fantastic!
I have tried to email again, but I am obviously shockingly rubbish at this techno malarky! Will keep trying
I want to come stay int he tent and eat cheese cones with you. Sounds like the perfect day to me!
Congratulations on the shop ... I can't wait to see what's in store.
How very exciting! Will it be a real store or a virtual one? or both!
I love seeing books that I still own or remember from my childhood on your page. Lovely reminders.
Oh I love those old books! THe scones sound so yummy!!
Much greatness! Much delight! Hunting for treasure and finding... lucky you.
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